I feel like everyone is changing. I honestly can say that i don't know who anyone is anymore, or who i am for that matter. I guess this is what high school does to people. They (People) feel that in order to impress others, they must do things that they will later on regret, no matter how much fun they are having at that given moment. I just don't see why people think that drinking and getting so stoned you don't know where you are is cool. It doesn't make sense to me. Some claim that they are "living their lives to the fullest extent possible." However, if you really think about it, most of them are drinking to the point where they black out, making it hard for them to even remember that "amazing night" they had the previous night.
Relationships are also extremely over rated these days. Very few relationships last more than a year, and those that do, with the exception of a few, are only lasting for one reason. It makes me sick.
I very rarely say this, but in all seriousness, i sometimes wish people could be more like me.