Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The power of prayer

Remember my last post about Ellie. Well, Ellie Shoal Potvin is no longer with us. She died this morning, June 23,2010, at 11:35am, in her mothers arms. After her hip tumor burst two nights ago, the doctors sent sweet Ellie home to enjoy her final moments not hooked up to any machines and to be around the people that love her. The doctors had estimated that Ellie wouldn't make it through the night. I periodically checked my twitter, looking for any sign that Ellie had gone to be with God.
      I eventually fell asleep. The next morning, i woke up, only to see she was not only alive, but talking, too. Truly a miracle. I then vowed that i wouldn't sleep until Ellie had gone to be with God. So last night, June 22nd, 2010, I did not sleep. I stayed up all night, and am still awake now. I attempted to take a nap around 4am when Amy, Ellies mom, posted that she would not be on for a few hours. It didn't work very well. I instant messaged a few friends asking them to pray, and they did. And Ellie made it through yet another night. I lit a candle around 5am for Ellie, and said a prayer.
         I really do believe it is because of the continuous prayer that Ellie got over the last two nights that she made it that far. After her mother told her that it was okay to fly home, Ellie Shoal Potvin left this earth to be free from pain, and sit in her 19 story mansion with all of her parrots and dolphins.

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