Monday, June 7, 2010


I feel so different. I feel like that i am becoming the person that i lamented about previously in my blogging career. I have changed, and i'm not sure that it's for the better. I rarely talk to people anymore, because every little thing that people do, annoy the hell out of me. I'm constantly so easily irritated, and the people of audubon, well lets just say that they are pros at irritating me.
          It's also becoming quite clear to me that i am hated. me. i never thought i was a mean person, but apparently i do "mean" things to people, and it brings them down. I feel really bad that i'm mean without  knowing it. If anyone out there is actually reading my blog, and knows of some sort of way that i can not be mean, please tell me; because i didn't think i was a mean person.

  OH! Today, I introduced Hannah and Stave (Steve) to Hershey pies for the first time, and we came to a general consecus that it was like an orgasm in your mouth. A pure explosion of awesome-ness. So you, yea you, reading this post; GO GET ONE NOW! They're at burger king for like 1.79$ or something like that, but it's SOOOO worth it!

 Finals are rapidly approaching, and my grades are spiraling downward! MUST. DO. BETTER!

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