Tuesday, June 15, 2010

So this is really it

So basically, it's goodbye junior year, and hello year of decisions. It scares the living hell out of me. I really wish i could just go back to preschool where the hardest decision was which crayon to choose to trace your hand with. It truly is amazing how fast time flies. To anyone reading this, if you are young, live your life while you can. Well now it kind of sounds like i'm dying. But really, try your hardest in school, and don't give up.
               The seniors at my school graduate tomorrow. Its so weird think that next marking period, i won't be walking the halls with my favorite seniors anymore. Ugh this is really too much for me to handle.

But for now, i have to concentrate on my last final, which should totally be a breeze. Summer starts on thursday<3 hellooooo theater<3

I'm gonna go bawl my eyes out now. cya

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